Thursday, July 19, 2012

Taking the bull by the horns

courtesy of wallpost

When you go out the door in the morning are you searching for opportunity? Are you looking at the ground or are your eyes pointing toward heaven. Are you stewing in your own thoughts or ready to ask questions and find new things? These are some of the things I am asking myself as I am on this learning experience. I realize that this is the opportunity of a lifetime. I saw the value when I applied for the scholarship. And now more than ever I realize I cannot allow any opportunity to escape me again.

I found the Seattle-Perugia Sister City Association (SPSCA) by chance. A friend and I had been attending a conversation table sponsored by our language school (SLA, Seattle Language Academy) at Café Umbria in downtown Seattle that was every other Sunday.

The group we started fizzled as the school did when the economy went bust, and yet we did not know it had done so. It seems that another conversation group was also meeting on Sundays and neither group knew of the other. After a few months it was clear we now were attending a conversation table sponsored by a different group that just happened to be SPSCA. The group invited us to events and shortly thereafter I joined the association. This was one of the best things I have done in years. I became so connected to the Italian community in Seattle and all kinds of new doors opened for me, which brings me to this point.

SPSCA gives away several scholarships every year to attend the University here in Perugia. I knew I wanted this opportunity and sent in my application. My application was reviewed and I was interviewed. I waited as patiently as I could for the response. When I found out I had indeed been awarded one of the scholarships, I was thrilled.
courtesy of Amitt Pastel Designs 

And now here I am. Deeply indebted to SPSCA and to all who have helped me get here. To all the members, and to my sponsors that helped me pay for the things SPSCA could not pay for, I must say thank you. I am grateful to friends and associates that have given me information for this trip, helped set up meetings and given me advice.

I am here and living a life that so many wish they could - and I see that. I will not lord it over anyone but I will say this. If you have yet to grab your life by the horns please do so. If you must network, step out of your comfort zone. or stretch yourself further than you expected…..then do it. Live your best life. Find your path. Live your dreams, but do it with intention knowing you cannot arrive at some place without putting the work in to get there. I am here because of others, but had I not tried, sought and worked, I would not have been able to utilize what others offered. LivingLifesBest is work and it involves sacrifice. LivingLifesBest is not about sappy feel good moments as those are only a result. LivingLifesBest is about searching for the best you and giving the most back you can. Its about loving yourself and life enough challenge the status quo and step out of your comfort zone. So take the bull by the horns and make your life happen.  

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