Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Breakfast no longer has the same meaning

OK…so breakfast is ruined for me until the end of time. Reason: I don’t think it’s possible to find a true Sfogliatella Napoletana in Seattle. I have never seen one and I would guess if I did I would be disappointed.

A Sfogliatella Napoletana is a sumptuous pastry that has hundreds of flaky layers of pastry dough fanned out in a shell-like pattern. It is filled with a sweetened ricotta cheese that has an ever so slight amount of cinnamon in it.

When you bite into a good one made properly, it crunches and spews powdered sugar all over the place. If they are slightly warm you must be careful not to pass out from a moment of pure delight. I swear, I truly swear, I have never in my life had a better morning pastry. The only thing that comes even close is a almond croissant, but for me the Sfogliatella still wins hands down.

I have my favorite place here in Perugia to eat these treasured pastries. There are some kind, sweet Italian gentlemen who run the place who have obviously been there for more than just a few years. I remember the second time I came into to buy a Sfogliatella  Napoletana I had one of the countermen write the name down for me and help me pronounce it properly. I wanted to remember for the rest of my life how to order one of these pastries.

Bar Pasticceria di Accademia is the name of this place located three-quarters of the way down Via Priori. I used to attend school close to the pasticceria so it was easy to stop everyday and get one. However, I am not attending classes on this trip and must walk 10 minutes up and down hill to get there, yet I find myself more than willing to huff it up the steep Perugian hills for this special treat.

I have to admit I have no idea if the other pastries and desserts are any good at Bar Pasticceria di Accademia because I can’t seem to buy anything but a Sfogliatella. Maybe someday I will, but for now I am content to know that I am LivingLifesBest by having one several times a week. 

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