Monday, July 8, 2013

Carmelo prepares for his second CD

My dear friend here in Perugia, Carmelo Messina, is preparing to release his second CD in a few weeks. To kick it all off his summer concert series began  June 27th. He is excited to share his new songs and has invested a lot this year in new equipment and a new stage for his outdoor performances at Antica Trattoria delle Volte in Piazza Matteoti, Perugia, Italy. 

His gigs have a wonderful mix of traditional and contemporary Italian songs and plentiful English favorites as well. The latest CD is a project full of true Italian emotion from the heart with his own songs. 

We had a great gathering of friends at the premier performance. More than two dozen of us enjoyed dinner and vino while savoring Carmelo's performance, singing along and dancing to favorite tunes. What a total blast, it turned out to be a very special evening for all of us.
Even Gerlando was dancing to the music. 

What a bummer when two hours into the performance, Perugia's summer weather turned to a downpour of rain and raucous thunder, forcing Carmelo and his guitarist to quickly move all the gear inside the restaurant. Many of us joined the effort, assisting with the removal of speakers, music stands, electronic equipment, and wiring. 
Dueling guitars 

While it was disappointing that the show was cut short we had a great time as we clapped along and danced to the music. He pours his heart and soul into the performance. He is so excited to share his music, his heart and soul and we all felt engaged by his passion.
Even though the music session was complete, a dozen of us continued to visit, take photos of the group, and enjoy new and old friendships. All in the vein of LivingLifesBest.
If you have a chance to see my friend perform either at Antica Trattoria delle Volte in Piazza Matteoti, Perugia or somewhere else please do so, you will totally enjoy it. 

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